Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor
Temptation gets a bad rap from us. We think of it as demonic and sinister and credit it with an evil hypnotic-like power that renders us useless to accomplish the tasks required to create the future we want to experience. (Try saying that three times fast.) Not that demons and sinister entities don't exist, but that is a newsletter for another time.
Most of you know how I apply the concept of temptation to the evolution of your soul. It has less drama and wouldn't make a very good movie. I say to think of temptation as an energy that only wants to take you from the path of the light.
The path of the light is not the same thing as the light. It is a direction like North, East, West, and South, only not entirely. It is more like North and South. You are always on the path of the light but either walking towards it or away from it.
And to complicate it even more, you're always doing both. I'll probably have to explain how that happens.
Take a blank piece of paper and put two dots anywhere on the paper. Each dot represents a version of you occupying space in the entire universe. Now, fold the paper so the dots align with each other. The paper is the universe, representing how a time and space wormhole connects parallel worlds.
Technically, it's called the Einstein-Rosen bridge, also known as a wormhole, is a theoretical concept in physics that suggests the possibility of a shortcut or tunnel connecting two separate points in spacetime. It was first proposed by physicist Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen in 1935.
According to the theory of general relativity, wormholes could serve as shortcuts, allowing for faster-than-light travel or the potential connection between different universes or regions of our own universe.
I'll not get into the whole Quantum Physics theory of there being endless versions of you occupying space in infinite worlds, but I love it when science catches up with spirituality. Let's look at it this way:
Right now, you are reading this. I am sure you would agree this action qualifies as walking toward the light. But at this same exact moment, you are not doing something you could be to achieve a goal. Let's say you have a goal to lose ten pounds, and you're reading this newsletter while jogging on a treadmill, so you could be moving toward the light. But if you're also eating a homemade dark chocolate brownie, are you moving toward or away from the light?
There is no bottom to the depth of which direction you are moving on the path of the light. In this version of yourself, there are many versions of you burning through time, with many examples of the environment you choose to execute these energies.
Which brings me back to temptation. If you're on a diet and you have a brownie, you certainly took a step away from the light, even if you're reading this and reading it while jogging on a treadmill. The universe makes it a complicated formula to create your current environment.
Choice is an illusion. Free will is not.
This is the secret formula to managing temptation. Remember, you can't escape temptation. It grows in power equal to the rate at which you grow or spiritually evolve. That is why it gets harder when you get closer to achieving your spiritual evolutionary goals.
You (your soul) and temptation use the same power of choice to create possibilities. These possibilities often come without consideration of failure. That's fine. There is no failure when we don't judge, but that is a conversation for another time. Today, it's important to know your angelic efforts of creating a higher-evolved future harness the same energy (and process) as temptation, which works to prevent you from making a choice a reality.
Free will is a spiritual law. A gift, you might say. It is a power that you own exclusively, and no matter how powerful any energy is, no power is allowed to cross the border of taking or manipulating your ability to choose. It's a perfect design.
Today's picture shows a soul walking on a path where his footprints have already been. I'll pass on the details of quantum physics again, but this is you. This is all of us.
Yes or no, that is the power of your free will. If you try to focus only on developing the power of your free will, you'll see yourself improve dramatically. You don't have to start big. Start small, and let me prove to you I am right.
Forget about big-time goals and forget about multiple temptations. For suggestion, do three sit-ups every morning when you wake up. Pick any similar task and do it for seven days. The task has to have some form of effort.
I might suggest taking notes as to all the reasons temptation has for not completing your daily task, but make the task so easy even temptation can't stop you from implementing it. This is an exercise of study to have you experience the energies of choice and free will.
I hope you're inspired enough to learn how the power of your free will feels when you harness it. Learn that, and we can build on developing your power.
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