Spiritual Astrology Readings by Jordan Canon

A Path to Self-Discovery, Happiness, and Evolution with Spiritual Astrology

This website is not an astrology website. Instead, we use spiritual (to look within) astrology to help our communication process. Not all souls feel, feel, and think in the same way. If we better understand our own capabilities, as well as the capabilities of those who we share our spiritual environments with, then we can only evolve and advance that much quicker. Doing so contributes to the greater good, a goal we will touch on later. 

Daily spiritual astrology readings are not posted here as they are on the old website. You will also find links to general relationship compatibilities for every sign on the corresponding page. While these compatibilities are detailed, they are not as accurate as personalizes the relationship compatibility readings.

Free Daily Spiritual Astrology Readings at Free-Spiritual-Guidance.com

Spiritual astrology is a form of astrology that focuses on the soul’s evolution and purpose, rather than on mundane events or personality traits. It is based on the premise that we are all connected to the universe and its energy, and that we can use this connection to create our own destiny and happiness.

This spiritual tool looks at your birth chart as a map of your soul’s journey, showing your strengths, challenges, gifts, lessons, and opportunities for growth.

Your reading also looks at the current planetary transits and cycles as indicators of the trends and themes that are affecting your life at any given time. This insightful information helps you to:

  • Discover your soul’s mission and how to fulfill it
  • Understand your karmic patterns and how to overcome them
  • Align with your true self and express your authentic personality
  • Enhance your relationships with others by understanding their soul’s needs and desires
  • Tap into your intuition and spiritual guidance
  • Co-create your reality with the divine by using your free will and intention

Sample Spiritual Astrology Readings of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Spiritual Astrology Readings Available To You

We use spiritual astrology readings to help you connect to your soul. These detailed reports are not one-time reads. Instead, like encyclopedias, they're designed to be reference material for today, tomorrow, and the future. Points of interest you may find in today's reading may differ from what you will learn tomorrow or in the future, just like things from the past may no longer apply as you evolve. 

Personal Spiritual Astrology Reading

Your Personal Spiritual Astrology Reading

I highly recommend that if you get just one spiritual astrology reading, you get one of your own soul. After all, you are the center of your universe and the environment you've created for yourself. Evolution is all about the relationships you experience and includes everything from your closest human companions to a casual acquaintance with a neighbor. Each of these relationships directly affects the creation of the environment you live in.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense to learn how to harness the strengths you're born with, as well as recognizing when to work through the challenges you have less talent for. The most important relationship you'll ever have is with yourself. Learn more about a personal spiritual astrology reading.

Relationship Compatibility Reading

Your Relationship Compatibility Reading

These relationship compatibility readings are very precise. They can point out everything from general compatibility, financial compatibility, emotional compatibility, love compatibility, and more. The universe doesn't consider your closest relationship the most important one you'll have. Instead, it measures the time and effort you invest in the relationship, whereas you determine how each relationship in your existence is valued.

As a result, the environment you live in is created from the energy you invest. The insight you gain from a relationship compatibility reading can help you avoid and get through the challenges life offers and help you experience all the highs of potent relationship energy exchange. Learn more about a relationship compatibility reading.

Your Partner's Reading, or Another Person

Your Partner's Reading, or Another Person

Most people would use this part of the reading for an individual partner reading, assuming you get a relationship compatibility reading. However, you could have an individual reading for a relative or a parent, a friend, a neighbor, or you could get a reading for someone who might be soul searching at a certain time in their lives.

It could be really anything but it's generally for a person person other than you you would simply fill out the form as you and in the notes just say that this is for another person. If you choose to get the package of an individual reading for yourself, a relationship compatibility reading, then the third reading would be your partner.

Future Reading

Future Reading - Coming Soon

The future readings available here differ significantly from what you would read in a newspaper or your daily spiritual astrology reading. Hence, those readings are very loose interpretations of the stars and planets on any given day, with a tremendous amount of intuition. Planets and bodies in the solar system don't change position by the day, so they fit into an astrology reading. They go through phases like the moon. Hence, this type of future reading also goes through stages.

You'll have the primary bodies (like planets, stars, etc.) that have a corresponding spiritual astrology meaning, and as they go through this phase in your life, it may last a week, it may last two weeks, but the value of the phase and the impact that it could have on your future is shown for your consideration.

I  find these readings to be significantly more accurate than the daily reading because it better interprets what's going on in the solar system versus forcing a reading by the day to meet a deadline.

Change of Location Reading

Change of Location Reading - Coming Soon

Everyone knows that when you submit a request for a reading, you need to provide your birthday the time of your birth, and your birth location. From this information, a spiritual astrology reading is created.

A change of your location, assuming it's more significant than a few miles, has great value on your daily readings just like a birth chart. If you move from one part of the country to another, you can expect different results because the planets and the bodies in the solar system are moving through quadrants at other places. Some people find great comfort in reviewing a new location they're considering moving to and seeing if there's any substantial difference compared to the area they're living in now.

Recommendations - How To Use Spiritual Astrology Readings to Help You Evolve Your Soul

  • Have you ever wondered why you are here, what your purpose is, and how you can achieve your true potential and happiness?

  • Have you ever felt that there is more to life than what meets the eye, and that you have a connection with something greater than yourself?

  • Have you ever wanted to understand yourself and others better, and to improve your relationships and your destiny?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it's no accident you have found your way here. Spiritual astrology is a form of astrology that focuses on the soul's evolution and purpose, rather than on mundane events or personality traits. It is based on the premise that we are all connected to the universe and its energy, and that we can use this connection to create our own destiny and happiness.

In this essay, I will explain what spiritual astrology is, how it works, and how it can help you in your personal and spiritual development. I will also share some of my insights and experiences as a spiritual advisor who has helped thousands of souls around the world using spiritual astrology as a tool.

What is Spiritual Astrology?

Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars, and their influence on human affairs. Astrology has been practiced for thousands of years by various cultures and civilizations, such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese, and Mayans. Astrology is based on the idea that there is a correspondence between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the human being), and that by observing the patterns and cycles of the heavens, we can gain insight into ourselves and our lives.

However, not all forms of astrology are the same. There are different branches and schools of astrology that emphasize different aspects and applications of this ancient wisdom. For example, there is natal astrology, which analyzes a person's birth chart to reveal their personality traits, talents, challenges, and potential. There is mundane astrology, which predicts world events and trends based on planetary cycles and alignments. There is electional astrology, which helps to choose the best time for a certain action or event. There is horary astrology, which answers specific questions based on the chart cast for the moment of inquiry. And there is spiritual astrology, which focuses on the soul's evolution and purpose.

I share a form of astrology that goes beyond the surface level of personality and events, and delves into the deeper meaning and significance of our existence. It is based on the premise that we are not just physical beings, but also spiritual beings who have a soul that transcends time and space. Our soul has a mission and a destiny that we chose before we were born, and that we are here to fulfill in this lifetime. Our soul also has a history and a future that span multiple lifetimes, in which we accumulate karma (the energy of our actions and their consequences) that shapes our current circumstances and challenges.

These readings helps us to understand our soul's journey, showing us where we came from, where we are going, and why we are here. It helps us to discover our soul's essence, purpose, gifts, challenges, karma, and destiny. It also helps us to align with our true self and express our authentic personality. It helps us to enhance our relationships with others by understanding their soul's needs and desires. It helps us to tap into our intuition and spiritual guidance. And it helps us to co-create our reality with the divine by using our free will and intention.

How Does Spiritual Astrology Work?

Spiritual astrology works by using a birth chart as a map of our soul’s journey. A birth chart is a diagram that shows the positions of the sun, moon, planets, stars, asteroids, nodes, angles, houses, signs, and aspects at the exact time and place of our birth. Each element in the birth chart represents a part of our soul’s energy and potential.

  • The sun represents our core self, our essence, our identity, our vitality, our will, and our purpose. 

  • The moon represents our emotions, our feelings, our instincts, our habits, our needs, and our subconscious. 

  • The planets represent different facets of our personality, such as our mind (Mercury), our love (Venus), our drive (Mars), our growth (Jupiter), our discipline (Saturn), our change (Uranus), our transformation (Pluto), and our spirituality (Neptune). 

  • The stars represent our higher self, our soul’s origin, our destiny, and our connection with the divine. The asteroids represent our minor traits, such as our healing (Chiron), our wisdom (Pallas), our power (Juno), and our passion (Vesta). 

  • The nodes represent our karmic axis, our past life (south node), and our future life (north node). 

  • The angles represent our orientation in life, our self-image (ascendant), our relationships (descendant), our career (midheaven), and our home (nadir). 

  • The houses represent different areas of our life, such as our identity (first house), our values (second house), our communication (third house), our family (fourth house), our creativity (fifth house), our health (sixth house), our partnerships (seventh house), our transformation (eighth house), our philosophy (ninth house), our reputation (tenth house), our social circle (eleventh house), and our spirituality (twelfth house). 

  • The signs represent different modes of expression, such as cardinal (initiating), fixed (sustaining), or mutable (adapting). They also represent different elements, such as fire (passion), earth (practicality), air (intellect), or water (emotion). 

  • The aspects represent different relationships between the elements in the chart, such as conjunctions (unity), oppositions (conflict), trines (harmony), squares (challenge), sextiles (opportunity), or quincunxes (adjustment).

By analyzing these elements in the birth chart, we can gain insight into our soul’s essence, purpose, gifts, challenges, karma, and destiny. We can also see how these elements interact with each other, creating patterns and cycles that influence our life.

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