Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor
"They are more like suggestions then laws, but harnessed properly, they do speed up your evolution."
-Jordan Canon, Spiritual Advisor
I don't know if we could officially call them spiritual laws. To do so would be in direct violation of 1. We could think of them as guidance, suggestions, or spiritual wisdom. You might say it's a law to point your surfboard towards the shore when you surf.
You could try to surf with your surfboard horizontally to the beach, but I'm sure it'd be much more difficult.
The spiritual law of Freewill allows you to choose how you want to surf, but one method will be easier to achieve your goal. You can think of spiritual laws in the same way.
At I refer to these spiritual laws constantly. I do so also in newsletters and blogs. On this website, I wanted to do a better job not just defining them but explaining them in greater detail. If you learn how to harness the energy of these spiritual wisdoms, you, too, will find you can achieve your evolutionary goals faster and with less effort.
For now, there's just a brief summary for each spiritual law, but eventually, they'll be broken out into their own page, so be sure to join the newsletter so you're updated on all the new content available on the website.
While relationships can certainly play a role in personal growth and evolution, it's important to note that personal growth can also occur through individual efforts such as fostering self-awareness, developing new skills, learning from mistakes, and pursuing meaningful goals. Relationships can provide a context for these processes to occur, but they are not the only factor. It's also worth acknowledging that not all relationships are conducive to growth - some can be toxic or harmful - and it's important to prioritize healthy connections that nurture personal evolution.
To the universe, relationships are not with other souls, but everything you share your environment with.
While time is certainly a very real aspect of our lives, there are some physicists and philosophers who have explored the idea that time is merely an illusion of perception and that there is no objective reality to it. Some theories suggest that time is relative and can be influenced by factors such as gravity, motion, and perception. Others suggest that time may not exist without conscious observation and that it's more of a mental construct than a physical reality.
On the other side, there is no time. There is no work or effort either. Your evolutionary environment is created by your imagination exclusively. In this helm, you need imagination, work and effort to create the environment you wish to experience, and you have to it within a parameter of time.
Everything related to evolving your soul is based on what you do in the p-resent. From that viewpoint, the past is a memory with questionable accuracy and the future doesn't exist yet.
The concepts of free will, fate, and destiny are often debated and can be viewed in different ways depending on philosophical and religious beliefs.
Some argue that free will and destiny can coexist, meaning that while we have the ability to make our own choices, there may be predetermined events or outcomes that we are meant to fulfill. Others believe that free will negates the idea of destiny, as our choices shape our future rather than predetermined factors.
To the universe, if you have fate and destiny, then you are not evolving your soul. However, there can be some grey area when the choices you make from free will are also the choices you would make on a path of destiny or fate.
Learn more about Free Will.
I describe temptation as something that can lead individuals away from their spiritual path or goals. This could apply to various areas of life, such as relationships, material possessions, or addictive substances.
Recognizing and resisting temptation is a crucial aspect of spiritual growth and development. By doing so, individuals can strengthen their willpower and focus on what truly matters in terms of their spiritual journey.
In the image we see a choice of an apple or a donut for a woman on a diet. Free will gives her the power to choose and create her future. Temptation only wants to take her away from the path (lose weight) she created for herself. Learn more about temptation energy.
The 7 deadly sins, also known as the Capital Vices, are the tools of Temptation and have been a part of Christian theology for centuries. They were first enumerated by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century, as a way of describing the sins that were seen as most damaging to the soul.
The seven sins are:
The idea behind the seven deadly sins is that they are the root of all other sins, and that they prevent you from evolving your soul, at least in the way you intended. They should be used to recognize the dangers of giving into temptation and immediately harnessing the energy of the opposite virtue.
Learn more about the Seven Deadly Sins.
The Seven Virtues are a list of exemplary character traits that have long been celebrated in many cultures, including Christianity and ancient Greek philosophy. They are often seen as the antidote to the Seven Deadly Sins, providing a positive alternative to each of the negative vices.
The Seven Virtues include:
The idea of the Seven Virtues dates back to ancient Greece, where they were known as the cardinal virtues. Later, they were adopted by Christianity as a way of promoting moral and ethical behavior in believers.
Living in the present moment can significantly impact our future since every choice we make in the present can affect the trajectory of our lives. By being mindful and fully present in the current moment, we can make conscious decisions that align with our goals and values.
This can lead to positive changes over time and help us to create a brighter future for ourselves. Additionally, being present allows us to appreciate and make the most of our current circumstances, which can lead to a greater sense of relationship fulfillment and satisfaction in life.
Judgment Day, or the Day of Judgment, is a concept present in several religions, including Christianity and Islam, that refers to a final day when all people will be judged by a higher power based on their actions during their lifetime.
In Christianity, the day is also referred to as the Last Judgment or the Day of the Lord, and it's believed that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. In Islam, Judgement Day marks the end of the world and serves as the final reckoning of people's deeds.
In both religions, the judgment of God is said to determine one's fate in the afterlife, and whether they go to heaven or hell. The concept is often associated with the idea of eternal reward or punishment based on one's deeds, it is considered as a significant event in the shared thought of many religions.
Conceptually, that's the right idea. When you cross over, you receive all the knowledge of the universe beyond what you can comprehend now. All the knowledge includes everything outside of the rely of time. When you have all this knowledge, you judge yourself. Basically, did you accomplish all that you came to this world to accomplish. It's not judge in the form of good or bad, but how to proceed in the next level of your souls evolution.
I think of judgment as the 8th deadly sin. I believe that reviewing your actions, accomplishments, and the speed at which those events occurred are essential to constantly fine-tuning the progress of your spiritual evolution. Judgment in the form of being negatively critical of yourself or others “punishes” instead of motivates.
The reason for developing a skill of personal evaluation isn’t just vital to your progress while you have time here. It will define the intensity, accuracy, and value when it’s your time to participate in your judgment day. Scary to imagine the potential outcome of a lesser developed skill matched with the universal law that you create your own hell.
Karma is a concept from Indian spiritual traditions which refers to the idea that our actions, both good and bad, have effects on our present and future experiences. In essence, it's the idea that what goes around comes around, and that our actions can influence the way we experience the world.
The belief is that positive actions will bring about positive effects, while negative actions will lead to negative consequences. It's often associated with the idea of cause and effect, and the principle of balance in the universe. Learn more about Karmic Energy.
Yin-Yang is a concept in Chinese philosophy that represents the duality and interconnectedness of seemingly opposing forces. It is often depicted as a circle divided into black and white halves, each containing a small circle of the opposite color, representing the complementary nature of yin and yang.
Yin is associated with feminine, dark, and passive qualities, whereas yang represents masculine, bright, and active traits. The idea is that these opposing forces are necessary for balance and harmony in life.
Learn more about Yin-Yang.
Of all the spiritual laws and concepts I share with Lightworkers, I never get more pushback than when I suggest humans don't have instincts. If you can subscribe to the notion of Free Will, and having the gift to choose and create your own future, then you have to agree having instincts isn't that far off.
Everything humans know is learned. Now you may think that intuition can be instinctive thought, but it's not. Intuitions are not learnable knowledge. For an action to be an instinct, it has to meet this scientific definition:
For example. As soon as a tadpole is hatched it knows how to swim. Swimming is a complex action, all tadpoles swim, and all tadpoles swim at the same moment in their life (when they are hatched).
If you think you have a human instinct that fits this definition, I'd love to hear it. Please contact me.
It seems hard to believe, but you don’t just create your own hell. You create your own heaven too. The environment you live in now is of your own creation. When you cross over, and you are just a soul, the only thing you do is create. Whatever you can imagine appears for you to experience. These experiences are designed to help you evolve your soul.
In this environment, your soul has to work for what it creates, and it has to do within the limits of time. Work, or effort, is a measurable energy your soul isn’t used to. As you have imagined, your success in implementing what you create in this life will be far from what you can produce when you cross over.
But what both environments have in common is creation. If you choose to punish yourself, you can create your own hell, and it’s not so uncommon. It is something we will all do, and we will all have to learn to overcome these challenges. It is part of the evolutionary process.
This is actually a Buddha quote, but it is so spot on as it pertains to personal evolution that I am listing here. When you hear a new song that you love, you've learned a new song but you haven't learned all the words. That tales repetitive training, and maybe after 500 times of singing along, you now have learned the song.
Applying spiritual wisdom takes the same effort, and in order to advance, your effort must be harnessed by your desire to do so.
Groundhog Day is a popular holiday celebrated on February 2nd in the United States and Canada. While it has its origins in weather folklore, it has gained some spiritual interpretations over time. One way to view the spiritual meaning of Groundhog Day is through the lens of self-reflection and personal growth.
The repetition of the same day (starting at 6 AM) in the movie "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray has often been interpreted as a metaphor for the human experience. It can serve as a reminder to examine our lives and make changes.
Each day presents an opportunity to learn from our past experiences, break repetitive patterns, and evolve spiritually. In this sense, Groundhog Day can be seen as a call for self-awareness, mindfulness, and the pursuit of personal transformation.
A spiritual echo can refer to a metaphorical concept in the realm of spirituality. It represents the idea that actions, intentions, or emotions carry an energetic vibration that can resonate and reverberate through our spiritual being.
Just as sound echoes and lingers in physical spaces, spiritual echoes suggest that the essence of our thoughts, feelings, and actions can have a lasting impact on our spiritual journey. It implies that these echoes can influence our awareness, growth, and connection to our higher self or a higher power.
The concept of a spiritual echo encourages us to be mindful of the energy we put out into the world, as it can potentially ripple and create a lasting influence. It's a belief that our spiritual experiences and practices may continue to resonate and shape our lives even after the initial encounter.