About Jordan Canon Spiritual Advisor

About Jordan Canon Spiritual Advisor

I have to confess I added the third one, but that doesn't make joining the newsletter a bad idea."  - Jordan Canon

Who is Jordan Canon?

Jordan Canon is a life coach, author, and spiritual guide who helps people improve their lives by developing a sense of purpose and inner peace.

He's written several books on meditation, mindfulness, and personal growth and has also created guided meditation programs and online courses to help people achieve their personal and spiritual goals.

Jordan's work is focused on helping individuals find greater meaning and fulfillment in their daily lives.


I couldn't resist. That is what AI says who I am. Given all the "power" we credit artificial intelligence with, it could be more accurate. But that has to be my fault.

At Free-Spiritual-Guidance.com, I never talked about myself. Instead, I would say the message is more important than the messenger. That is still true, but in Jordan Canon 2.0, we will push the envelope a bit.

Who is Jordan Canon?

The Light Whisper

My spiritual journey started at the end. I am the only survivor of a car accident where ten other souls crossed over that fateful day. Technically, I crossed over too, but was sent back. It happened three times, and I didn't quite come back the same. I would spend almost two years recovering from the multiple trauma I experienced.

I came back with knowledge and an understanding of how things work. That is a process of crossing over, and all souls do it. It's when you come back that things get complicated. Part of that knowledge involves what we would call skills or "gifts." I have some of those too.

Over time, I learned how to live with these gifts by using them only to help others. I am not special, everyone has gifts, but when you use them for yourself, they become tainted and do not get stronger. I have found power gets stronger when you don't use it.

I am very much just skimming the surface to provide you with an introduction. I don't offer the information on this website as facts. I do believe, however, you see the point of view and harness the positive energies of the present, you can achieve a lot more than not doing so.

Free Spiritual Guidance was created over two decades ago. It didn't just throw up a website. I supported the content there by providing spiritual counseling to help those souls who found their way there and to patiently help them apply the wisdom to overcome their life's challenges that have become a roadblock to their spiritual evolution. I'm guessing, but I would assume I provided spiritual counseling to at least 20,000 souls, via email or phone, during that time.

Buddha says, "Teach what you have to learn," and my teaching helped me learn even more than what I wrote about back then. Everything there is valid and accurate, but version 2.0 is based on what I've learned by interacting with souls in need of guidance.


A "lightworker" is a term typically used to describe someone who is focused on spiritual growth, personal development, and helping others. Essentially, they are individuals who feel that they have a calling to serve others and make a positive impact on the world. This can take many forms, but it often involves spreading love and positivity, promoting healing and self-care, and seeking to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. Some people may identify as lightworkers, while others may simply resonate with the ideals and principles associated with the term.

I have always been of the thought that if you're here, you've been guided here, like the gravitational pull of a mass in space. The similarities between the spiritual universe and the physical universe are eye-opening, but that is a web page for another day.

If you are like the 200k plus visitors that came here before you, you probably followed your intuitions to get here. You may not know what this is all about, but you do find it curious and interesting. That would describe most of us, myself included. You're in good company. You are in the company of Lightworkers, and it's good company because you are one. 

You just may not know it yet.

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