Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor
Learn how to master Karmic Energy to create the future you want to experience.
Good Day Lightworkers!
Do you ever daydream about a specific life decision and wonder how your life would be different today had you made another choice?
We all do it, and when we do, we usually think of a wrong decision (judgment) that has left us in a difficult or less desirable creation of our current environments. I have an insight to share with you that goes out of bounds for this newsletter, but
"You are currently living the decision you didn't make from a time past."
That may sound confusing, but many spiritual laws allow this to happen. You just don't feel it. I'll get to it in detail another time, but you are where you are supposed to be, and that hurdle in front of you is supposed to be there, too. In fact, it will continue to be in front of you until you decide that going around, do-overs, or wishing for something different are not powerful enough tools to evolve your soul.
But today, we'll talk about one of those tools known as Karma.
Most people think of Karma, as shown in the image above. It dumps on those who send out bad energy. While that is undoubtedly a part of it, it's such a small part of an immense spiritual power rarely harnessed to its full capacity to create the future you want to experience. Karmic Energy has to exist to help us get through the Groundhog Day Syndrome as it pertains to helping us evolve our souls.
It's not that you don't use it because you do. Consider this example: If you're a saver, you save a little over time, and your efforts are rewarded with the power of savings that creates financial opportunities that don't exist for a non-saver.
But when you save, you don't think of the spiritual energy of Karma, and that's the point of today's newsletter.
I talk a lot about manipulating spiritual laws to create the future you want to experience. To do that, you must first know what the future you want to experience is. Once that is decided, you must invest energy to create your future. Karma is one such tool you would harness.
How exactly would you do it?
I can't share that here, but I did create a page for Karmic Energy. It's a two-minute read, and you'll come away with a better understanding than how you might define it today. Bookmarking it for future reference would be a good idea, too.
An understanding is called spiritual enlightenment or learning without judgment or opinion. Just take it in and let this version of your soul develop it as a resource you can use to evolve.
If you do it properly, you will start getting intuitions at a different level of intensity and accuracy. It doesn't happen overnight, but it never doesn't happen.
Love and light,
Jordan Canon